
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Faribault Woolen Mill on Film

faribault woolen mill co exterior

Apart of our trip to Minnesota with Liberte featured a tour of The Fairbault Mills factory We knew this place was legendary and we're eager to see all that goes into the craftsmanships of their products. We had an amazing time seeing all the ins and outs of the makings of  these durable blankets and throws while absorbing all the history that it entails.  And we're happy to have our film cameras on hand to document it all!

We hope you can get a sense of the effort and time that goes into making such a quality product and recommend going on a tour there if you're ever in town. 

faribault woolen mill kodak portra 400
faribault woolen mill kodak portra 400
faribault woolen mill kodak portra 400
faribault woolen mill kodak ektar 100

The Williamsburg Hotel

Hewing Hotel