
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Tacombi at Fonda Nolita

So as a kid I HATED fish! The taste, the smell, the bones.. everything about it was repulsive to me and to make matters worse my dad use to make me eat it as a punishment. How fucking rude, I know!!! With that being said I didn't try my first fish taco until I was 23 and I found out instantly what I was missing out on. I became slightly obsessed with them for about a month or so and was on the hunt to find the best in the city. All hell broke loose (in a good way) when Marcus took me to Tacombi. My juices started flowing (salivating, get your mind out the gutter people)  and I COULD NOT stop eating them, that's how freaking good they were. We haven't been back since but thanks boo for that one night stand, it definitely hit the spot 😏

Sissy's Southern Kitchen